Allison transmission codes d12511
Allison transmission codes d12511

allison transmission codes d12511

Most of the videos have links in the description to the article on the Mechanics Hub website. Below is the link to their Youtube channel where all of my videos are located. They find mechanic jobs for companies all over the world and asked me to post videos to their channel and articles on their website. Some of the videos are not showing up because I have moved them to a YouTube channel that I have partnered with called Mechanics Hub. I want to let you know that this blog will remain as is and will not be taken down due to the volume of information starting from 2006. On the contrary there is a shopping list of work on a school bus fleet including motor vehicle inspections, services, repairs and maintenance in other words "non stop work". Some people would ask me if I was off for the Summer or didn't think there was much to do around the shop.

allison transmission codes d12511 allison transmission codes d12511

The mission when I got started was to share with the internet community what the job and responsibilities were for the average school bus mechanic. I'm very grateful to those of you who have followed me through the years. I have been posting here since 2006 and have 326 blog posts. Hello and thank you for visiting my schoolbusmechanic blog.

Allison transmission codes d12511